432 Dundas Street East


Property Details

  • Address: 432 Dundas Street East, Toronto, ON, Canada 
  • HCD Area: Unspecified 
  • Property Description: Attached row house from 410-432 
  • Original Occupancy Date: 1884 
  • Original Owner: Trust and Loan Co. 
  • Original Occupant: Robert McCully 
  • Assessment Rolls: 1928: Hector Ross, dry goods, 63: (O) Kate and Thomas Costello; over 432: Edgar Brown, chauffeur (T) $2000 assessment over 432: Minie Wise, widow, 27(T) $2000 assessment rear 432: private garage $1629 assessment 
  • Land Use: Residential 
  • Building Type: Residential 
  • Original Architectural Style: Bay and Gable 
  • Height: Two and half storeys 
  • Materials: Yellow brick, brick lential with keystones over all of the openings (windows and doors). Undecorative barge boards. 
  • Doors: Replacement door 
  • Windows: Round headed window 
  • Roof: Hipped with one gable and one dormer 
  • Secondary Structures: None 
  • Context: None 
  • Landscape Features: None 
  • Trees: None 
  • Other Information: Storefront addition is it 1930's (?). Bricked in part of second floor 


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