413 Dundas Street East


Property Details

  • Address: 413 Dundas Street East, Toronto, ON, Canada 
  • HCD Area: Unspecified 
  • Property Description: Commercial/residential attached. Attached to 415 and 417 
  • Original Occupancy Date: 1888 
  • Original Owner: William J. Calgey 
  • Original Occupant: William J. Calgey 
  • Land Use: Commercial/Residential 
  • Building Type: Commercial 
  • Height: Three storey. Third storey is brick addition 
  • Materials: Solid brick in good condition 
  • Doors: Simple commercial 
  • Windows: Casement windows. Stone sills to all of the windows. transom glass but not sure if its original. Also has decorative brick work over the windows 
  • Roof: Flat 
  • Secondary Structures: Has a coach house which has its own address and 271 Berkeley St 
  • Landscape Features: None 
  • Trees: None 
  • Other Information: Ground Floor has a metal canopy and a new metal canopy in projection addition. Decorative wood corners. Very well kept and/or refinished parapet with significant dentil ornamentation. 


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