310 Ontario Street (formerly 308, 182 Ontario Street)


Property Details

  • Address: 308 Ontario Street 
  • HCD Area: Unspecified 
  • Property Description: 3rd unit from south end of a row of 4 houses 
  • Original Occupancy Date: 1887 
  • Original Owner: John Wilson 
  • Original Occupant: Charles F. Mansell 
  • Land Use: Residential 
  • Building Type: Residential 
  • Original Architectural Style: Bay and Gable 
  • Height: Two and half storeys 
  • Materials: Stucco over brick 
  • Doors: Replacement door. 
  • Windows: Bay windows the one in the middle is fixed and the side windows are sliders. The other windows are casement windows. 
  • Roof: Hipped with dormer and gable. 
  • Secondary Structures: None 
  • Landscape Features: Lawn and low-lying garden with cast iron fencing 
  • Trees: One five storey tree 
  • Other Information: The house has been modernized with some decorative trim remaining on the gable. 


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