Peggy Kurtin Award Program
The Cabbagetown Preservation Association celebrates great work in restoration and streetscape improvements as it presents these Awards every year. They are named after Peggy Kurtin (1932-2009), a former CPA president who, for many years, was the soul and engine of heritage in Cabbagetown.
Owners who have completed some significant work to the front (or rear – see program components below) of their homes (or other building) within the past two years are likely eligible. Unfinished work but work expected to be completed before the final date for annual submissions – which is April 15th of each year – may also be eligible. The CPA looks for entries that will enhance the streetscape of our community through an imaginative understanding of the scale, materials, and detailing which have contributed to the character our streets.
The Peggy Kurtin Award Program includes:
1. Excellence in Restoration
This is the main Award. The winner is presented with an artful rendering of the building.
2. Special Additions (Lanescape/Infill)
The winner is presented with a certificate.
3. Improved Facades
The winner is presented with a certificate.
To learn more and to see the previous years winners, click here.