Property Details
- Address: 257 Wellesley Street East
- HCD Area: Cabbagetown Northwest HCD
- Property Description: 4 unit brick row houses (east end)
- Original Occupancy Date: 1880
- Original Owner: A. Willis
- Original Occupant: Geo. Wingate
- Assessment Rolls: 1880 T Geo. Wingate (32), Broker, o A. Willis. 21.'x100', 2 1/2 st. brick, 21.'x34.'' Ass. $2783,4 persons, C. of E. 15'x25' 1888 O John MacCallum (51), Salesman. 21.'x100', 2 mansard brick 21.''x34.', Ass.$2758, 7 persons, Protestant. 18.''x25 1894 O James MacCallum (60), Salesman, 24'xlH'. Ass. $3054 7 adults, 2 children
- City Directories: Listed July 2, 1974
- Land Use: Residential
- Building Type: West end of row of 4
- Original Architectural Style: Second Empire
- Height: 3 storey
- Materials: Red brick
- Doors: 1/2 glazed, covered porch
- Windows: sash, arched, 2nd floor casement
- Roof: Slate, dormer
- Trees: 3 Elms 60', rough shape
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