Property Details
- Address: 432 Ontario Street
- HCD Area: Unspecified
- Property Description: Along with 434 and 436 Ontario Street
- Original Occupancy Date: 1900
- Original Owner: Thomas W. Grant
- Original Occupant: Thomas W. Grant
- Assessment Rolls: 1900 Thomas W. Grant, policeman,31 (O) 27x96 $1295 4 people 1915 Bessie Blanc, widow, Presb.;(0)Mary & Richard Raven 27x96 $1920 3 adults, 1 child 1932 Suite Richard Raven, janitor,62;(0)Mary Shaven 27x96 $9000 Suite 2 Herbert Walker, salesman,30,2 people Suite 3 Alice McRae, widow, 2 people Suite 4 Elsie Hurdle, spinster2 people Suite 5 John Board, window dresser,26, 2 people Suite 6 Christine McMillan, spinster
- Land Use: Residential
- Building Type: Detached
- Original Architectural Style: Modern
- Height: 3 storeys
- Materials: Brick. Stone course. Stone lintels and sills
- Doors: Centre solid, glass block sidelight. Right side double vinyl multi-paned. Left side single, fully glazed
- Windows: Basement ;dormer fixed. SF vertical casements
- Roof: Gabled dormer. Asphalt
- Landscape Features: Steel fence
- Trees: None
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