Property Details
- Address: 483 Ontario Street
- HCD Area: Unspecified
- Property Description: North side of double, Aberdeen to north
- Original Occupancy Date: 1878
- Original Owner: Henry Horsley
- Original Occupant: Frederick Thayer (24) Bookkeeper
- Assessment Rolls: 1878 - T Frederick Thayer (24) Bookkeeper O Henry Horsley 29'x120' 2stair+A 22'x30.'' $2280 2 persons Meth. B+RC 16'x30.'' (283) 1884 - T William Blair (30) Arch. O Rev. James Gray 29'x120' 2BFRC 22'x36.' $2400 4 persons 16'x30.'' 1900 T George W. Watts (34) Bookkeeper O William Symons 25'xlOO' $2650 7 people.
- Land Use: Residential
- Building Type: Semi
- Original Architectural Style: Bay and Gable
- Height: 2 1/2 storey
- Materials: Yellow brick
- Trees: Norway Maple 120'
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